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How Does the Prayer Request form actually work?

by Anonymous
(United States)

I would like to ask, how do the prayer request forms actually work? The emails never seem to be sent to me once I do a prayer request for what I want, no matter if it's through google(gmail) or hotmail(outlook). Will you look into that if there is something wrong?

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Oct 03, 2023

by: Linmayu

Thank you for your inquiry! I may have emailed you earlier; I actually had no idea people were sending prayer requests until recently. I am handling them on Sundays now :) Manifestation-wise, your faith is released to the universe even before you have made the request. When you ask another person to pray for you, usually it would be because "when two or three agree on anything they ask on earth, it shall be done for them." This is why I offer to do this through this site.

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