All content on this website, except where noted, is the opinion of its creator.  We do not claim to be the only source of truth.  Please take responsibility for your own spiritual path and any actions you may take as a result of reading or hearing the information provided here.  Take what works for you, and leave the rest.

Support Attraction Manifestors

Donations of any amount are appreciated in order to make this work accessible to more people.  

Attraction Manifestors is currently one person, not a nonprofit organization, so donations here are not tax deductible.  If you would prefer to make a tax deductible donation to an actual nonprofit, then please support Life Force Arts Ensemble, with whom I have partnered on several Attraction Manifestors courses, or Faith Life Church, where I learned much of the biblical knowledge I needed to make this website possible.  (However, neither of those organizations are responsible for anything I say on this site.)

The donation button here will send your donation to Attraction Manifestors and would be used to pay for site hosting, create more free content, or provide course scholarships to people in need.